Worship at Home Resources

These are extraordinary times. While these unsettled times would normally find us gathering in community to praise and worship, we know the best method for defeating COVID-19 is to limit our social contact. While we may not be gathering in worship for a while, we suggest that we all give extra time in our homes and on our own to engage in prayer and praise. We have provided some resources to help you continue in worship during our time apart. We will add resources, so check back often – and feel free to offer suggestions by emailing ChristLutheranVH@aol.com. Blessings.



Christ Lutheran eNews – March 22, 2020
Provides a complete worship service for the week, including prayers, Bible readings, songs.

Christ Lutheran eNews – Monday, March 16, 2020
Information about church decisions, a message from our Bishop, and devotion/activity suggestions.

Christ Lutheran Church Facebook Posts

Living Lutheran



Pandemic Hope: A Daily Devotional for Life During COVID-19

Daily Bible Reading, from ELCA

God Pause Daily Devotion, from Luther Seminary

Bible Verse of the Day from Bible Gateway

Pawlak Children Lord’s Prayer



10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord, O My Soul), by Matt Redman 

Blessed Assurance

Amazing Grace, sung by Darlene Zschech

How Deep the Fathers Love for Us – Stuart Townsend

How Great Thou Art, sung by Carrie Underwood

How Great is Our God, by Chris Tomlin

Blest Be the Tie that Binds

On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand

In Christ Alone

Now Thank We All Our God

Jesus Loves Me

What A Friend We Have in Jesus

Abide with Me

Faith of Our Fathers

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty

How Great is Our God, by Chris Tomlin

Forever, by Chris Tomlin

Jesus Messiah, by Chris Tomlin

Here I Am to Worship

Shout to the Lord