With all ministries and opportunities, please do not feel pressured to give time, talent or resources. Rather, we offer these opportunities as ways that we as a community of Christ can use our blessings to bless others. Thank you.
Connect – eMail, Twitter, Facebook
If you need support or prayer, please email to ChristLutheranVH@aol.com and we will link you to resources and include you on our Prayer Chain. Receive encouragement and news when you follow us…
A Message of Love and Inclusion
We are a place of welcome and respite. We are also a place where our voices and actions must reflect Jesus’ directives to all of us. We are a work in progress as we work to examine our hearts, minds, words and actions so that we can be part of the solution.
- We are a Reconciling in Christ Community. Christ Lutheran Church & PreSchool is a community committed to the work of equity and inclusion, bringing justice and support for all of God’s beloveds. We welcome those who are seeking God’s love and grace for the first time or as a life-long believer. We welcome because Jesus shows us how to welcome, regardless of race, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, economic resources, relationship status, health challenges or anything else that too often divides us. It is in our welcome which we commit ourselves to being an anti-racist space, a space where we seek daily to deepen our work of inclusion in the life of our church. Our unity is in Christ. All are welcome here.
- We share the ELCA’s stance on rejecting all forms of discrimination, including those based on gender identity. ELCA Statement on Gender Identity
- We join with all ELCA churches in our commitment to confronting racism. ELCA Commitment to confronting racism and anti-Semitism
Lenten Soup Supper
Wednesday, March 26 at 7 p.m.
- We will have one mid-week Lenten Soup Supper this season
- A simple meal shared with everyone – please join us!
- If you would like to help by bringing some soup, salad, bread or desserts to share, please sign up on the bulletin board or send an email to Penni at Penry4@gmail.com
- If you would like to assist in set up or clean up, please contact Penni at Penry4@gmail.com
PreSchool Birthday Bash
- Saturday, April 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- Games, activities, snacks, raffle prizes
- Free gift to the entire community – please stop by!
Registration Open –
Summer Kids Kamp & Fall PreSchool
- Learn more by visiting the PreSchool and Summer Kids Kamp webpages
- Fall PreSchool Information
- Fall PreSchool Registration Form
- Summer Kids Kamp Info
- Summer kids Kamp Registration Form
Feb 2 Meeting Documents
- Thanks for attending the Annual Meeting, held after worship on Sunday, Feb. 2
- Meeting Materials: Agenda, 2024 P&L, 2025 Budget
- Meeting Notes: MinutesCongregMeeting2Feb2025RevA
Disaster Donations
ELCA’s Lutheran Disaster Response is one of the oldest and most effective organizations that brings help not only during a catastrophe, but through the entire recovery time. Consider donating to help those here at home and around the world, including those impacted by California wildfires, floods, famine and war. You may select the effort you want to support. Visit the Lutheran Disaster Response webpage.
Caring Hands Workdays
Caring Hands meetings resume after a summer break! The team ties blankets, crochets prayer shawls, makes hats and enjoys fellowship. Items provided to local hospitals, Lake County Courts Kids Corner, schools and shelters. At-home projects and updates are available by contacting CaringHandsVernonHills@gmail.com.
Folks gather from 9 a.m. to noon on the following Saturday mornings:
- NEW DATE ADDED – March 1
- March 15
- April 12 (2nd Saturday due to Easter)
- May 17
- June 21
- On break over summer
- September 20
- October 18
- November 15
Call for Cub Scouts!
- Cub Scouts – Starting as early as Kindergarten through 5th grade
- Scouting America – middle and high schoolers
- For boys and girls
We invite all boys and girls in Vernon Hills and the surrounding area to say “Scout Me In” to Scouts BSA! We’re restarting Cub Scout Pack 273 in Vernon Hills. Prior to COVID, we had a pack of over 100 kids (starting as early as Kindergarten through grade 5) who were experiencing fun and adventure while learning life skills and giving back to the community. Learn more about Cub Scouts by checking the Pack 273 Poster. If you are interested in providing your child with the tools they’ll need to succeed now and throughout their lives – and have a lot of fun doing it – please complete the Online Information Form or send an email to committee.chair@pack273vh.org.
Vernon Township Pantry!
- Unexpired, non-perishable food items
- Manual can openers
- Reusable tote bags (think Aldi-type shopping bags)
The Vernon Township Pantry in Buffalo Grove/Prairieview reports their shelves are empty! Looking for any nonperishable, unexpired food items as well as new can openers and re-usable tote bags to help clients transport their items home. Collecting at church for delivery throughout this fall.
God’s Work. Our Hands.
- On Sunday, September 8, 2024 we gathered with churches around the ELCA to do service.
- This year we packed 26 Birthday Cake Celebration Kits and 21 Food Bags with new can openers.
- Birthday Kits include cake mix, frosting, candles, balloons, napkins, plates, blank birthday cards and a can of Sprite to make the cake without need for oil or eggs, all packed into a disposable pan.
Items for Homeless Camp:
Collecting All Year Round
Collecting items for one of the homeless encampments located near Pastor Padraig’s apartment – items go right to those in need
- First load went downtown on October 27 – we had so much we have to organize a second trip down! Thank you!
- Always in need of blankets, sleeping bags and tarps (new or gently used/clean)
- Socks, hats, gloves, handwarmers
- Feminine products and hygiene items
- Mariano’s gift cards (which is the store closest to the encampment)
- We will continue to collect and will communicate any specific needs.
- If you would like to help transport collected items to the city for distribution, please reach out to ChristLutheranVH@aol.com. Thank you for your ongoing generosity!
Sue’s Pantry Requests
Sue serves all through her pantry in Vernon Hills.
- Special call for paper products and supplies to keep a home and family clean
- Toilet paper!!!
- Modestly sized laundry detergent, dish soap, all purpose cleaners
- Shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shavers, feminine products, diapers
- Modestly sized sugar, flower, cooking oil
- Items to feed families in temporary or uncertain housing – microwavable cups of rice, pasta, etc.; cereal bars; items that need no pans, stoves, or refrigeration.
- We have an ongoing collection at church and deliver to Sue’s Pantry every week or two. Thank you to all who give and to all who make the delivery. Please keep Sue and her clients in your prayers.
More Service Projects
- Gathering items for Love Inc – housewares, bedding, cash donations and volunteer time – learn more about this awesome ministry at LoveINCLakeCounty.org
- Praying over Boxing Out Negativity – A nonprofit working to end violence on Chicago’s West Side. Special prayers over Biking Out Negativity peace bike rides through the neighborhoods – may they be safe, inclusive and empowering. (https://boxingoutnegativity.org/)
- Supporting COOL Ministries – Nonperishable, unexpired food products, paper products and more – COOLMinistries.org
- Lending a Hand to Sue’s Pantry – Local grass-roots effort to care for those in our community – Nonperishables, cash donations, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, toiletries, feminine products and more – Facebook/SueGsPantry
- Lutheran World Relief – One of the most respected and effective relief organizations in the world, providing support to those impacted by floods, fires, earthquakes, disease, storms and war both here at home and around the world. Donations support not only immediate support but also rebuilding for months and years after a disaster. Learn more at LWR.org.
- Caring Hands – Supporting this group that gathers to make comfort items for distribution to Lake County Children’s Corner, hospitals, schools and other places where there is a need. Learn more by reaching out to CaringHandsVernonHills@gmail.com.
- And many more activities and service partners…
Support for Sanctuary Seekers
- Our community partner Anelly B has been collecting, coordinating, delivering and serving asylum seekers living in shelters and police stations in Chicago.
- We continue to collect items including diapers, formula, OTC meds, coats, shoes, back packs, suitcases and more
- We are called to serve – we are called to help our new neighbors. Hundreds of people, including so many children, are sleeping on floors in police stations, community centers, tents and shelters.
- The need continues and changes. We will keep you updated
- Thank you for your generosity
We also look to support our ministry partner Anelly, who has done so much for so many, particularly asylum seekers living in uncertain situations in Chicago. Anelly and her young family are now in the midst of her cancer treatments. If you would like to help her as she helps others, there is a Meal Train (https://mealtrain.com/7z5zq2) website where you can sign up to provide a meal, donate a gift card, or give a gift of cash. Please hold Anelly and her family in your prayers.
Caring Hands 2024 Schedule
The Caring Hands team ties blankets, crochets prayer shawls, makes hats and enjoys fellowship. Items provided to local hospitals, Lake County Courts Kids Corner, schools and shelters. At-home projects and updates are available by contacting CaringHandsVernonHills@gmail.com.
Meeting on the following Saturday mornings:
- Summer – no meetings
- September 21, 2024
- October 19, 2024
- November 16, 2024
In November 2023, this group made more than 300 Comfort Bundles that included a cute-and-warm hat, scarf and mittens for local kids who need a little extra warmth. The group also creates prayer shawls, which may be given to those who are hospitalized, grieving, ill or otherwise in need of the physical reminder of our prayers. What a blessing!
Thanks for Joy Bags!
Thank you for your generosity!
- We created 30 Mother’s Day gift bags for clients served by Sue’s Pantry. Thanks for your donations of time and money for these special bags, which have been very well received.
- At Christmas 2023, we were able to make nearly 60 gift bags for the children served by Sue’s Pantry, located here in Vernon Hills
- We continue to work to help Sue keep her pantry shelves filled with items including modestly sized containers of flour, rice, cooking oil, oat meal, shampoo, laundry detergent, body wash and more.
God’s Work. Our Hands. 
- Thanks for all who helped pack Blessing Bags filled with necessities for our brothers and sisters living in the Chicago Encampment near Pastor Padraig.
- Special thanks to Addie and Peyton, who packed more than all of the rest of us combined, AND made colorful hearts for each bag.
- We do this type of project every year in September – and actually all year round!
Disaster Support Through LWR 
- Lutheran World Relief is one of the most respected and effective relief agencies in the world
- LWR workers are some of the first into any situation, both here at home and around the world
- Support for refugees and those impacted by war in Eastern Europe and Ukraine
- Support for those impacted by wildfires, floods, earthquakes and storms
- Support for those impacted by hunger, draught, disease, chaos
- Lutheran Disaster Response is one of the most effective and respected relief organizations in the world. On the ground where ever there is need.
Sign Up for PreSchool
- Starting with Tots and going to Kindergarten Readiness
- Classes have begun for Fall 2024, but there is still room for more friends!
- Learn more at PreSchool.ChristLutheranVH.org
Want to flex your Green Thumb?
We are looking for people to help with mowing, trimming and otherwise keeping the church yard under control. (Spring and early summer is a particular challenge as things grow like crazy.) If you can help – even for an hour – please consider reaching out to Holly at HollySJ@earthlink.net to see how to get involved. THANK YOU!
And thanks to the Vernon Hills High School National Honor Society volunteers for assisting. What wonderful young people – we appreciate you!
Easter Butterflies
- Each Easter we decorate the sanctuary with decorated butterflies and more.
- Enjoy them all year – we are an Easter People!
- Butterfly Coloring Page
Congregation Meeting Notes
- February 26, 2023 Meeting Notes: CongregationMeetingNotes26Feb23
- Agenda: Agenda:CoverCongregMeeting26Feb2023Draft
- 2023 Budget: Budget2023CLCDraft23Jan23
- Comparisons 2022 to 2023: Comparison2022vs2023 budgets
- More info provided via eNewsletter
- Reach out to ChristLutheranVH@aol.com to sign up for our eNews updates
Supplies for Homeless Camps
- We plan to deliver throughout the year, as the need never ends
- Collecting items for small health kits, including small tooth paste, tooth brush, deodorant, lotion, chapstick
- Warm weather gear, including sleeping bags, blankets, socks, hats, gloves, tarps
- Mariano’s gift cards – closest store to camp
- Snacks including granola bars, dried fruit bars, jer
How to Help
Ukraine & Eastern Europe
Lutheran Disaster Response is working with humanitarian aid providers in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, and is increasing their effectiveness by partnering with groups including Lutheran World Federation and Church World Service to provide care to refugees and those impacted by the crisis.
Lutheran Disaster Response is one of the most respected and impactful humanitarian organizations in the world. This organization also offers excellent and effective ways to help people impacted by Hurricane Ian, by droughts and famines, and many more places. Donate on the Lutheran Disaster Response website.
Refugee Relocation Support
Refugees from Afghanistan continue to be relocated into more permanent housing in our area. Our friend Sue Gandhi works with ICNA Relief to provide a variety of materials needed to set up a home. The current need is for NEW pots & pans, dinner sets, eating and serving utensils, rugs, towels, sheets, blankets, vacuum cleaners and small kitchen appliances. Items may be dropped of at 1793 Bloomingdale Rd, Suite 4, Glendale heights from 10a to 3p on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. You may also donate online at icnarelief.org/refugees. Sue also supports refugees arriving from Eastern Europe and Central/South America. Thank you for your generosity.
COOL Ministries –
Help Stock the Food Pantry
- Any Nonperishables
- Any Toiletries and Personal Care Items
- Always welcomed – Cash or Gift Cards!
- You may give at church or go online and give directly to coolministries.org
We collect nonperishable items, which are delivered to the COOL food pantry in Waukegan. Donation bins are located under the church mailboxes in the hallway. Please note that pantries cannot receive expired items.
As background, COOL Ministries was founded by a group of Lutheran churches in Waukegan/North Chicago to provide food, clothing, shelter and job training. Each year, our congregation donates more than 400 pounds of food to the pantry – enough to feed a family of four for 11 months. COOL makes a huge impact on hunger here at home. For more information about COOL ministries, please contact volunteer Rob Jost, who has been working to help stock the pantry shelves for years (815-341-0127).
Love Inc. Lake County
Donations and Volunteers
Special request: Twin-size blankets and sheets
Partners in ministry Love Inc. Lake County helps people transition from homelessness to hope. This local organization is always looking for things to help set up new apartments. Think about things like can openers, dishes, flatware, towels… Keep this ministry partner in mind when you look through your cabinets or see a great sale. They come and pick up at local locations as well. Learn more about volunteering from Natalie (who goes almost every week to work in the Love Inc. warehouse) and Allie (whose heart was touched and who fed us with a wonderful spaghetti meal in support of this ministry). Learn more about Love Inc. at www.loveinclakecty.net.
Children’s Hospital Activities
Once again we collected toys and activities for a local children’s hospital. Books, coloring books, games, easy crafts, small toys – thank you, Allie.
Mission Review Project
- Who are we?
- What work does God have for us?
- How do we accomplish God’s work?
In 2021, Christ Lutheran Church & PreSchool members and friends completed a series of Purpose and Plan Meetings lead by Pastor David Daubert,assisted by Rev. Kyle Severson, Associate to the Bishop. Thank you to MCSELCA for providing this support.
We are now working on two major tasks 1)What is our Mission (Who are we? Who does God want us to be?) and 2) Structure (How do we accomplish this Mission from a practical and financial standpoint?).
To assist with this task, here are three quick Worksheets that have been distributed over the past several weeks. Each worksheet is designed to quickly gather information about how each member, friend and stakeholder views the situation. Please take a few minutes to complete and return these worksheets. Your ideas are important!
Nan Dahlke is leading our Mission Work Group to work on this project. Are you interested in helping on the Mission Work Group? Please reach out to Nan (nandahlke@ameritech.net).
Notes from the first two meetings – CLCWorkshopSummaryJuly2021
Open Doors… Open Hearts…
In July we Spiced it Up!
We collected seasonings and spices, something the pantries rarely receive but which can really make a meal taste so much better.
In August, we were Open to Pastabilities!
We collected pasta sauce for delivery to COOL, Vernon Township Pantry, St. Joe’s Pantry and more…
Thank you to all who donated to our June effort of Open Cans – more than 150 can openers were donated!
Rummage Sale Supported India Covid Relief
- Nearly $4000 was raised, which was provided directly to grass roots efforts in India
- ORGANIZER: Our partners at Redeemer Life Church
- HOST: Christ Lutheran Church & PreSchool
- CAUSE: Proceeds to Redeemer Life’s sister church (Hindustani Covenant Church) in India, who has been working hard to provide Pandemic supplies and support in their community
- Thank you for your support!
Project Warmth: Coats for Vets and More…
- During cold weather…
- Delivering gently used adult-size coats, hats, gloves, boots, socks, sleeping bags, blankets…
- Going to Midwest Veterans Closet in North Chicago
- Visit www.midwestveteranscloset.org to learn more
Kindness Rocks
Keep on Painting…
Stop in for what is sure to be a fun time as we turn regular rocks into solid pieces of encouragement. Supplies provided. We then put these around town (not in the grass to cause problems with lawnmowers!) — and we will grow our art installation to welcome and encourage those coming to church and preschool. Questions? Want to do this at home? Contact Penni at penry4@gmail.com.
Purpose and Plan Meetings
June 19 and July 10, 2021
- Meeting Notes – CLCWorkshopSummaryJuly2021
Congregation Meeting – April 17, 2019
- Meeting Notes – Minutes7April2019CongregMeeting
- Agenda – Agenda:CoverCongregMeeting7April19Draft
- Draft Budget – 2019BudgetDraft7April19Meeting
- Summary Narrative of Budget – SummaryBudget7April2019
As a matter of good practice, the congregation holds a couple of Congregation Meetings each year to talk about our general direction as a ministry as well as update everyone on the business end of things. During the April 7 meeting, we reviewed the budget, discussed specific current and future capital expenses, shared ideas and ask questions. People with an interest in taking on a leadership role are strongly encouraged to give it a try – let the Nominating Committee of Kathy Davis, Donna Barry and Pastor Amy know. Note that we are holding solid. Thanks to tremendous generosity, we are pretty close to being on track for the target of $1000 in weekly giving. Also thanks to generosity, we are have replaced the playground fence!
Congregation Meeting Recap – October 28, 2018
Thank you for those who attended our congregational meeting following worship on Sunday, October 28, 2018. Topics included a financial update, a bylaw change (see article that follows), and decisions on the organ, which is still under construction. Draft notes appear below:
- Notes – Minutes28October2018CongregMeeting
- Agenda – Agenda:CoverCongregMeeting28Oct18Draft
- 3rd Quarter Financials (rev 10/23/18) – 2018BigPictureQ3Rev23Oct2018
- Big Picture Financials/Progress vs. Plan (9/30/18) – Fall2018BigPictureFinances
Approved Addition to By-Laws
At our council meeting on August 19, the council of Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool approved the motion set forth below. In order for it to be adopted to our bylaws, the proposal will need to be voted on by our congregation at the next Congregational Meeting on Sunday, October 28 after worship. Please attend!
Motion to add the following description to our bylaws (revised 2013) under Part 7 titled Preschool Education Committee: Add:
E. One parent or guardian of a registered preschool student (who is not a voting member of this congregation) may be appointed to the Preschool Education Committee at the discretion of the church council with input by the Preschool Director.
Looking for Teachers/Faith-Sharers…
Christ Lutheran has some terrific opportunities to give a little time, share a little faith, and get to know some of our young people. Right now we are looking for people to help in any capacity with…
Sunday School – About a half-hour multi-age session provided each Sunday. Curriculum/activity suggestions (including a video) provided. Join the team as teacher or helper, and pick the Sunday’s you are available. Please contact Mir Pawlak (mirwyoming@gmail.com) for details.
Confirmation Team – Join the team working to plan and deliver core faith lessons to a very cool group of young people. Pastor Amy will provide direction. Contact her at pastor.amy.becker@gmail.com for details.
Bible Time Story Teller – About once each month, volunteers come into each PreSchool classroom to re-tell the Bible Story for that month. Conversation is quick and simple, and while you probably know all of the stories by heart, Director Kathy Davis has guiding books and props to help. To learn more, please contact Kathy at clcpreschool@aol.com.
And you can probably think of may more ways to share your faith and connect within and outside of our community. Please share your ideas and interests with Pastor Amy Becker-Perez to help you take the next step – pastor.amy.becker@gmail.com.
Thank You, Troop 273!
Have you seen the work that has been done around the building? Amazing — and so appreciated. Special thanks to Eagle Scout Project Leaders Drew, Matt and Nathan, and to all of the Scouts and adults volunteers who work so hard. Congratulations to all of the Scouts working toward Eagle Rank — this Troop has a bunch. Just look at the names on the plaque in the Fellowship Hall. More names coming soon!
Congregation Update Meeting – March 18, 2018
On Sunday, March 18 the congregation gathered for an update meeting. Thanks to God’s tremendous power combined with the generosity and vision of His people here at Christ Lutheran, we have reached all of the goals we set in January. We continue to strengthen our processes so that we can focus on His Vision for this ministry. Thank you all. Below are resources from that gathering:
- Meeting Notes: Minutes18March2018CongregMeeting
- Vision Team Task #3: Task3
- Agenda: Agenda:CoverCongregMeeting18March18Draft
- Big Picture Financials: BigPicture14March2018
Donate Responsibly…
Hurricanes, Floods, Earthquakes, Fires – Lutheran Disaster Response is There!
Lutheran Disaster Response, part of our parent church, has been hard at work assisting through storms, floods, fires, earthquakes, famine, war and every other disaster. ELCA Lutheran Disaster Response is one of the most respected relief agencies in the world. They are usually the first one’s in, and are nearly always the last ones to leave – staying to help rebuild when most other volunteers have gone home. You can trust that your donations will go to very good use through this organization. To learn more or donate to this relief effort, please visit the ELCA Hurricane Relief webpages.
Empty Bowls Project Feeds the Hungry –More than $1000 Raised!
- THANK YOU to all who supported the November 6 Soup Supper – we raised more than $800 that night!
- Hand-painted bowls are still available – and your donation will be gratefully accepted!
- ALL DONATIONS go directly to the COOL Food Pantry – every single dollar!
All of our efforts for the Empty Bowls grassroots effort to end hunger go to COOL Ministries, which supports not only the people around it’s headquarters in Waukegan, but hundreds of people coming to them from all over Lake and Kenosha counties. (COOL stands for Christian Outreach of Lutherans.) Thank you to Penni Sauer and her crew for putting on a wonderful Soup Supper on November 6 – more than $1000 raised to date, and additional donations gratefully accepted. Every dollar raised will go to COOL!
Cottage Meeting Worksheet
As part of our journey through the Pastoral Call Process, it is important for us to look at our ministry from a God’s Eye view. Please share your thoughts on some general questions about Christ Lutheran by downloading, completing, and returning (to offering plate) the quick Worksheet that was first distributed on on the November 12 Cottage Meeting – (CottageMeetingWorksheet12Nov16 ). Thank you to all who participated in the Cottage Meeting and who have provided their viewpoint.
Saturday with St. Nick was Dec. 3
A Good Time had by All!

- Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016
- Sing Along started at 9:30 a.m.
St. Nick was available for photos from 10 to 11(ish)
Songs, crafts, snacks until 11:30 a.m. - Thank you for enjoying the morning with us! And thank you to all who helped make the day happen! Merry Christmas!
September 2016 Congregation Meeting – Notes and Info
At least twice per year we gather as a congregation to discuss the “business” and mission of our church. We gathered on Sunday, September 18 after worship. Our meeting included the opportunity to celebrate the first anniversary of the arrival of Pastor Padraig McGuire – thank you, Pastor, for your leadership. Materials from that meeting follow. Thank you to all who participated – and to everyone for their support of our ministries.
Orlando Quilt Project –Notes of Love and Encouragement
Deb Barnstable was moved to create a quilt of comfort to honor the victims, survivors, families and first responders impacted by the Pulse Night Club shooting in Orlando. The back of the quilt included a special pocket where she included our congregation’s notes of encouragement and love. We prayed over this beautiful quilt on July 17, and Deb delivered it to Orlando July 24. Deb reports that the Orlando Quilters Guild was able to gather enough quilts and quilt blocks to have 2000 quilts to distribute to those most closely impacted by the tragedy. Here is just one YouTube video showing one of the first responder quilt distributions. May all feel our prayers and the love of God through this project. (Deb was instrumental in creating the huge “Jesus the Good Shepherd” art quilt that hangs above the sliding doors.) Thank you, Deb, for your hands and your heart!
Just for Fun…Next Activity in the Works
Harrison Menis (AKA Christ Lutheran Minister of Fun) has gathered folks of all ages for laser tag and bowling, with other activities in the works after things slow down this winter. Harrison’s events offer a great time to meet people and have fun. Friends are invited and encouraged – you don’t have to go to church with us to enjoy some fun together. For info or to get on “the list” so you get the notices, check with Harrison at harrman815@yahoo.com.
Lutheran Disaster Response –Working at Home and Around the World
- Helping now to support those hit by recent hurricanes and floods
- Give Directly through ELCA Disaster Response website
- The need is great – our response team is at work
The ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), of which we are a part, provides one of the world’s most effective and immediate disaster responses. Through this ministry, we provide support to those in need locally (such as those who were hit by recent hurricanes) and globally (such as the victims of the African drought, earthquakes and war). If you are looking for a way to help, consider learning more about this effort and then donating through the ELCA Disaster Response ministry. You will find a “Give Now” button on the right side of the webpage – once you click you will find an online giving form or an address where you can mail your donations.
Updating Our Directory Info
- Online Contact Info Form
- Printable Survey – SurveyContactInfoJuly2016
We are updating our information so that we can communicate important information amongst our Christ Lutheran family, and so we can reach out to you if you need support. Please consider going online to fill out a quick form for you and your household – just names, street address, phone, emails. Should take about 5 minutes, and one person can complete for the entire household. Fill out as much or as little as you wish. It all stays here – we don’t sell information or anything like that! If you would rather provide info on a paper copy, please download and print out this form and return it to church – SurveyContactInfoJuly2016. Thank you!
What a Blast…Christ Luther-palooza was August 28, 2016

Blessing of Backpacks!
- Teacher Installation!
- PreSchool Open House!
- Picnic Lunch!
On Sunday, August 28, we enjoyed a huge day of fun and faith. We started with 9:30 a.m. worship, which included blessing of the backpacks and installation of teachers. by 10:30 we were all enjoying PreSchool Open House as well as a big church picnic, including Morgan and Hunter’s fabulous bounce house. Thank you to all who cooked, baked, bought, cleaned, mowed, set-up, cleaned up, and otherwise helped make such a fantastic, fun day.
As you probably know, we sponsor Boy Scout Troop 273 and Cub Scout Pack 273. Those groups meet here in our building and we work together on projects. Recently, Boy Scout leaders were able to locate an almost-new stove, which they purchased, transported and installed. (The old one had temperature issues and we turned it on and off with the circuit breaker.) Scouts are also looking to install a shelf above for our microwave. Thank you!
Other Scout News…
- Congratulations to the Troop’s most r
ecent Eagle Scouts – Alex Munro (April 10), Collin Turley (May 1), Jordan Calabrese (June 12) and Ben Paterson (May 7).
- Scouts have installed an Eagle Displ
ay near the kitchen to highlight all of the Eagle Scouts from the
troop. - Please keep the Scouts and leaders in prayer.
Thank You for Participating in the Spring 2016 Congregation Meeting
- Held Sunday, April 17, 2016 after Worship
- An opportunity to share information and check our path
- Corrected Agenda/Contacts: AgendaCongregMeeting17April2016Corrected
- Pastor’s Report: PastorReprtApril2016
- Proposed/Approved Budget: 2016ProposedBudgetDraft10April16
- Staffing Info: Welcome Office Aide Nitz: ChristineNitz
50 Soups for Super Bowl 50…
Happy Birthday to Christ Lutheran Church!
Our group first gathered 38 years ago on January 15 at Hawthorn School. Back then we were known as American Lutheran Church (that was the name of our Synod then – it has since become the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). So many memories have been made in this community – building the organ, raising the big cross out front, constructing the PreSchool wing… And new memories continue to be made. Whether you are old friends or new acquaintances, please know you are welcome here.
Blessed Christmas! 
Click to see our Video Christmas Card, and thank you to all who gathered on Christmas Eve. May you feel that peace all through the season.
Honoring Parkview Lutheran Church & School…
Thank You for the New Altar
We are blessed to receive a beautiful wooden altar from Parkview Lutheran Church and School, which is being demolished. What an honor to be able to bring this beautiful worship piece into our sanctuary. We will decide as a congregation whether to keep or donate it on to another church. What a privilege to receive this important piece, which is not only beautifully made, but is also filled with the history of Parkview’s faith journey. Please keep our brothers and sisters at Parkview in your prayers as they move into new ways of worshipping as a community.
Saturday with St. Nick! Thank you!
Thanks to all who made Saturday with St. Nick (December 5) such a fun event. Songs, crafts, snacks and visit with both St. Nick and Santa Claus!
Empty Bowls Hunger Project…
We Raised More than $1000 – and Doing it Again!
One of our church’s missions is to help end hunger right here in our community. Our church hosted an Empty Bowls soup supper on October 25, 2015 with proceeds supporting the Vernon Township and COOL Food Pantries. Thanks to your support, more than $1000 was raised, with all money going directly to the pantries. (We’re doing it again on November 6, 2016.) Thank you to all who painted, planned, cooked, served, set up, cleaned up and enjoyed the event. Special thanks to Penni Sauer for making this event happen. For more information, please contact us at CLCEmptyBowls@gmail.com. Also, check out the Empty Bowls website for information about this grass roots effort – www.emptybowls.net.
Congregation Meeting Actions – June 28, 2015
On Sunday, June 28, we gathered for our semi-annual congregation meeting. The meeting included formal election of officers, a review of finances, and an update on the process of calling a pastor. For information, please refer to the following documents:
- Agenda/Financial Documents packet – June2015AnnualMeetingPacket
- Interim Covenant (job description) – CLCInterimMinistryCovenant25June2015
- Meeting Notes (unapproved; provided for your information) – MinutesAnnlMeeting28June2015
The roster of leaders, who will continue on until next year, includes the following: Lynn Brandl, Pres; Tom Pfenning, VP; Rich Davis, Financial Sec; Judy Tetour, Secretary; Jodi Jost, Education; Penni Sauer, Outreach; Lois Menis, Fellowship; Scott Marler, Youth; Carlene Lichter, PreSchool Pres; Rob Jost, PreSchool VP. Thank you to all who participated in the meeting, and who continue to support this congregation with energy and prayer.
Lutheran Disaster Response at Work at Home and Around the World
- Give Directly through ELCA Disaster Response website
- The need is great – our response team is at work
The ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), of which we are a part, provides one of the world’s most effective and immediate disaster responses. Through this ministry, we provide support to those in need locally (such as those who were hit by recent floods and tornados) and global (such as the areas hit by the Nepal earthquakes). If you are looking for a way to help, consider donating through the ELCA Disaster Response ministry. You will find a “Give Now” button on the right side of the webpage – once you click you will find an online giving form or an address where you can mail your donations.
ELCA RELIEF: Working to Feed the Hungry, Support the Flood Ravaged, Fight Ebola, and Help Where Help is Needed
Christ Lutheran is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), which offers one of the strongest and fastest relief and humanitarian responses in the world. Early on, churches and relief workers in Africa requested ELCA support in dealing with the Ebola outbreak. As part of that larger church, we are responding with our resources and our prayers. If you would like to learn more about what we are doing through ELCA, and how Phebe and Curran Lutheran Hospitals in Liberia are serving thousands, please visit www.ELCA.org/disaster.
Thanks for Playing!
Family Game Night Rocked the House
Thanks to all of the folks who came out for Fame Night on Sunday, February 8 from 5 to 7 p.m. We shared a light supper and played games, including White Elephant Bingo (which turned into Speed Bingo, just to keep things extra interesting). Thanks to all who brought food, white elephant prizes and more. Special thanks to Please contact Penni Sauer for getting it organized.
Did you notice our sign last month? Or marks above some of our doorways? You might see this more often in Europe during Epiphany, which is our current liturgical season. The letters C, M and B stand for the initials of what tradition says are the names of the Magi: Caspar, Melchior and Belthasar. These letters also abbreviate the Latin phrase Christus Mansionem Benedicat – Christ bless this house. The beginning and ending numbers are the year and the crosses represent Christ.
Thanks to Our Feed My Starving Children Packing Team!
On January 2, an energetic group from Christ Lutheran Church & Preschool icked off the new year by helping pack meals at our local Feed My Starving Children site. The group packed 32,400 meals – enough to feed 89 children for a year! What a great day for a great cause. Stay tuned for upcoming packing dates. More photos are posted on the Events Gallery page. Learn more about the effort by visiting the Feed My Starving Children website.
Congrats on a Great Eagle Scout Project
Jordan Calabrese, representing our partner Boy Scout Troop 273, organized the assembly of 250 emergency backpacks – enough to supply each teacher/classroom at Hawthorn District 73. As part of Jordan’s Eagle Scout project, the 16-year-old Vernon Hills High chool student coordinated the work of 60 volunteers who assembled emergency kits complete with water, blankets, rain ponchos, clipboards and paper/pens, hand sanitizer, flashlights, first aid kits and a variety of other essentials. “The packs can help with lots of emergencies,” Jordan said, “If there were a fire in winter students would have the blankets. If schools lost power, students would have access to water and glow sticks.” Great work, Jordan.
Collecting Hats, Mittens, Scarves…
This November 2014, our Caring Hands group put together 150 sets of hats/mittens/scarves for children who visit or who are served by the Lake County Court system. These children are in desperate need of warmth and comfort. That 150 sets will be used up right away – so Caring Hands will continue to gather items all winter. If you see a good sale, or if you are handy at making things, please consider supporting this effort. Collection bins are under the church mailboxes.
Thanks for the Refreshments!
Thank you to everyone who has donated funds or treats for our after-worship refreshments, and thank you to those who volunteer to set up and clean up. We all enjoy the opportunity to catch up with each other and have a little snack. And while we don’t all have the baking skills of our friends Natalie and Lois, or the exceptional bakery connections of Fay, the group is appreciative of anything – you can never go wrong with Oreos, right? If you would like to help, there is a sign up on the bulletin board across from the mail slots as well as “Fellowship Food” envelopes to go toward the cause. Or just drop your Oreos off in the kitchen. They will be joyfully consumed. Thank you to all who help make fellowship fun. Thank you, also, to our partner Boy Scouts who provided us with a new Kuerig machine!
ELCA World Hunger Efforts
We are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which for decades has been feeding people here at home and around the world through the ELCA World Hunger initiative. As a partner of churches, social ministry organizations and development and advocacy organizations, ELCA World Hunger helps reach communities most in need throughout the world. From health clinics to microloans, food pantries to soup kitchens, advocacy to community organizing, our gifts are supporting innovative solutions that get at the root causes of hunger. Last year, gifts to ELCA World Hunger supported at least 636 projects around the world, including 388 food pantries, homeless shelters and other projects in the United States; and 239 sustainable development, health and other projects around the world. Learn more about our efforts to feed the world on the ELCA’s World Hunger webpages.
A Thank You Card to God
- No pledge cards here
- Stewardship2014ThankYou
As we approach Thanksgiving, we take time to count our blessings. In the church world, we often also take time to ask members to pledge their giving for the upcoming year. Christ Lutheran does not approach the business end of church in this manner – we do not distribute pledge cards and ask people to continually dig deeper. Rather, we hope each of us will take time to reflect and think of just one blessing God has given us, and then just one small thing we can do to give honor and glory back to Him. Please do this not from guilt or obligation, but rather from a mindset of trying to find something that feels right – something we are each “called” to do. One can of corn to the C.O.O.L. Food pantry drive, a note of encouragement to a friend who needs a lift, an effort to start your day with a quick prayer of gratitude and thanks… No matter what blessing you decide, we pray that the blessing you give will, in turn, bless you as well. To help guide your, please consider using the Thank You Card, Stewardship2014ThankYou. Visit BestAusCasinos.com online internet casino guide.